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Wednesday, June 7, 2023 6:30 pm
Memorial Park, Downtown Brighton
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Community Events
Brought to you by the Brighton Community Events Committee, Concerts in the Park in Downtown Brighton is back for the summer!
Join us: Memorial Park, Downtown Brighton
Wednesdays beginning at 6:30pm from June 7th to August 30th
Check out our exciting line-up of local talent preforming in Memorial Park this year Bentwood Rocker, June 7th
Three Tequila, June 14th
Fiddleheads, June 21st
Four Lanes Wide, June 28th
Rudy and Saddle Up, July 5th
The OFFBEATS, July 12th
Fade Kings, July 19th
The Reasons, July 26th
Coup de Ville, August 2nd
Wicklow, August 9th
Cowboys Don’t Cry, August 16th
JD Sautner Band, August 23rd
Brighton All Stars Concert Band, August 30th
Incase of weather cancellation, rain days will be held on the following night -Thursdays @ 6:30pm.
We can't wait to see you all there!